
                      PORT                 STBD                           GEN             
Finish Hrs     1977.2                2036.8                          10603.5              
Start Hrs       1967.6                2027.1                          10564.1
Used                9.6                     9.7                                 39.4

Engines and Generators: Nothing mentioned

110 V and 12 V System: Nothing mentioned

Problems Inside BoatThe light bulb receptacle in the hold shorts out the bulb and trips the breaker- No flashlight!
The rear  holding tank is not venting.

Problems Outside the BoatThe GFI receptacle next to the refrigerator upstairs needs to be replaced- pretty much trashed.

Wish List: Nothing mentioned

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: 

Pre- Trip: - Nothing mentioned

Post Trip: -  Nothing mentioned

  *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:

                            Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port                 In Hold/As New                In Hold/As New
 Port Skeg            As  New                            As  New
#1 Starboard        Missing                             Missing
Starboard Skeg    As New                             As New
#2 Port               On Drive/As New                On Drive/A  New
#2 Starboard      In Hold/As New                   In Hold/As New
#3  Port              In Hold/As New                    In Hold/As New
#3 Starboard      On Drive/As New                 On Drive/As New

**P3 Antelope Point
   P3 WT
   P1 WT
   S2 WT .... In Hold (As New)

P2 WT.... On Drive (As New)