
                      PORT                   STBD                         GEN             
Finish Hrs     1903.4                  1962.2                       10275.0             
Start Hrs       1895.7                  1954.3                       10249.9            
Used                7.7                       7.9                              25.1

Engines and Generators: --- 
MMC- port side only working periodically
Generator is leaking coolant

110 V and 12 V System: --- Nothing listed

Problems Inside Boat: ---  
Curtains broken- fixed them

Problems Outside the Boat: ---
Toy Tank hose split open- replaced with new one in helm using a reducer

Wish List: ---
A new mattress for the sofa sleeper. We purchased one from Amazon for our camp trailer(memory foam) that works great!
"Classic Brands Memory Foam Replacement Sofa Bed 4.5" mattress $130.88(full)

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: 

Pre- Trip: - Bar cushion tie torn off pad, Toy tank hose split-replaced, bottom curtains broken, (Port) MMC not functioning properly

Post Trip: -  N/A

  *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…
*Sledge hammer- (3 total)
*Anchor and Chain- 2 anchors no chain
*High Deck Chair Pads- 1 pad tie ripped off
*Plastic Patio Chairs- (8) NOT 10
*Mop- Needs refill
*Power Steering Fluid/Hydraulic Fluid-Pint- Only 12oz
*Small Crock Pot- ??

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:

                            Boarding:                             Returning:
#1 Port                On Drive/As New                   On Drive/As New
 Port Skeg           As New                                   As New
#1 Starboard      On Drive/As New                    On Drive/As New
Starboard Skeg  As New                                   As New
#2 Port               Nothing noted                         Nothing noted
#2 Starboard      Nothing noted                         Nothing noted
#3  Port              Nothing noted                         Nothing noted
#3 Starboard      Nothing noted                         Nothing noted