
                     PORT          STBD                GEN             
Finish Hrs     1866.4         1924.5                10146.9              
Start Hrs       1855.3          1913.5               10132.2             
Used              11.1               11                      14.7

Problems with Engines or Generators: Upon arrival-port side sitting low in the water. AP checked hull and engine compartments-no water

Problems with 110 V or 12 V System:

Problems with inside of boat: Chip on bottom shelf of refrigerator; fan not working in back basement bedroom

Problems with Outside or Upper Deck: 2 holes in carpet upstairs, stains, cushion discolored

Wish List:

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: 
**Mooring Lines(4+1+1)- frayed
**Anchor Lines(5)- frayed

Pre Trip: Portside sitting low in water, chip bottom shelf of fridge, back basement fan not working, 2 holes, stains upstairs carpet, discolored cushion up-deck

Post Trip: - Nothing Listed

   *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…
**Didn't use Flat Panel TV or DVD surround system**
Nothing really filled out, counted, etc.

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                           BOARDING                       RETURNING
  #1 Port            On Drive/As New              On Drive/As New      
Port Skeg          As New                             As New
#1 Starboard     On Drive/As New              On Drive/As New                            
Starboard Skeg  As New                            As  New    
#2 Port               In Hold/As New                In Hold/As New      
#2 Starboard      In Hold/As New                In Hold/As New       
#3  Port              In Hold/As New                In Hold/As New           
#3 Starboard      In Hold/As New                In Hold/As New