
                    PORT      STBD           GEN             
Finish Hrs   1813.6       1871.2          9904.3              
Start Hrs     1808.5       1866.0          9832.3            
Used              5.1            5.2               72.0

Engines and Generators: Nothing Mentioned

110 V and 12 V System: Nothing Mentioned

Problems Inside Boat: Black spots on ceiling above table

Problems Outside Boat: Nothing Mentioned

Wish List: Nothing Mentioned

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: 

Pre Trip: Black spots on ceiling above dinner table. Spots on carpet in back. No holding tank pump out adapters. Before we left AP maintenance changed the water pump impellers(rubber) on all three engines. I mentioned to the Maintenance crew that the oil in the STBD engine was dirty, they noted it on the work order but did NOT change the oil. After the completed their work.

Post Trip: -  I checked the engine compartment(STBD) & found that the pneumatic strut that holds the door open was not attached to the deck(it was just hanging on the door) upon inspection the attaching fitting for the deck is missing the ball attachment.

   *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

Not filled out except noted that the "holding tank pump out adapter" is missing 

**Maintenance ask to work on the impellers & generator this morning(6-16-16) & did do the wok(the work order was dated May 12th with work to be completed May 18th).
The house boat smells like vomit, especially when it has been closed up for awhile.
STBD engine compartment door attaching pint is missing ball, so pneumatic closer is hanging on door.**​

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
  #1 Port           In Hold                           On Drive/Needs Paint     
Port Skeg         As New                            As New      
#1 Starboard    In Hold/As New              On Drive/As New                      
Starboard Skeg  As New                        As  New    
#2 Port               On Drive/As New          In Hold/As New      
#2 Starboard      In Hold/?                       In Hold/As New       
#3  Port             In Hold/?                        In Hold/As New           
#3 Starboard         ??                              In Hold/As New   
**1 spare APM port prop/ Prop on STBD side is NOT original WT prop**