Finish Hrs   1595.3        1653.2             8722.3           
Start Hrs     1588.1        1646.6             8695.8            
Used                7.2               6.6                  26.5

Engines and Generators: ---Stbd. running hotter than port. Vibrating noise when turning underway.

110 V and 12 V System: ---Changed fuse for Lake Water System

Problems Inside Boat: --- Windows won’t stay open in Bathrooms. Both broken! CO2 sensors go off after AC stays on about 8 hours(early AM/still weather)

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Nothing mentioned

Wish List: ---Freezer on top deck/Ice Maker
Larger stereo amp, speakers upper deck

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:

Pre- Trip: - See Week #26 Seeger/Salisbury
*Fixed fuse for Lake Water System

Post Trip: -
Bathrooms still stink after AP dumped, flushed, etc. Can smell  the bathrooms from back & upper deck sometimes. Vent issue?
Bedroom by kitchen- door strap button needs fixing
*NO dish soap or laundry detergent- bought some & left onboard

  *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

See Week #26 Seeger/Salisbury list

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                          Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port            On Drive/As New             On Drive/As New     
Port Skeg         As New                           As New     
#1 Starboard   On Drive/DAMAGED      On Drive/DAMAGED                      
Starboard Skeg   As New                      As New   
#2 Port             In Hold/As New            In Hold/As New       
#2 Starboard    In Hold/As New            In Hold/As New      
#3  Port             In Hold/As New            In Hold/As N ew
#3 Starboard    In Hold/As New           In Hold/As New