Finish Hrs 1641.0 1698.9 8994.6
Start Hrs 1631.5 1689.4 8950.9
Used 9.5 9.5 43.7
Engines and Generators: ---No major problems- we did notice a small drip/leak coming into the stbd engine compartment off of the propellor/drive shaft.
*Very minimal, something to double check on work weekend
110 V and 12 V System: ---Nothing noted
Problems Inside Boat: --- Shower door won’t stay on the track
Problems Outside the Boat: ---Rope light is rotten and coming off
Wish List: ---Do we really need to continue to count the knives & forks?
Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip: - The two bathroom windows have to be propped up/hardware is broken/missing
*Bench seats are together & working but from n ormal wear & tear it is evident they need some repairs (ex. Screws on hinges are pulling out).
Post Trip: - None
*NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…
*LG fenders- 4 cabled on/ 3 loose… total 7
*150’ anchor line- noticed abrasions on one line
*Upper deck: Plastic patio chairs- 8 NOT 10
*Upper deck: 40 Gallon garbage cans/Lids- 1 NOT 2
*Upper deck: Lg Propane tank: 2 total.. there is a 3rd?
*Rear deck closet: Power steering fluid- ½ NOT 1
*Rear deck closet: Holding tank pump out adapter- 0 NOT 2
Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
Boarding: Returning:
#1 Port(NOT LABELED)In hold In hold
Port Skeg Needs Paint Needs Paint
#1 Starboard In Hold(DAMAGED) In Hold(DAMAGED)
Starboard Skeg Needs Paint Needs Paint
#2 Port(NOT LABELED) In hold In hold
#2 Starboard In hold In hold
#3 Port On Drive/Needs Paint On Drive/Needs Paint
#3 Starboard On Drive/Needs Paint On Drive/Needs Paint