Finish Hrs 1562.6 1620.5 8533.3
Start Hrs 1554.5 1612.4 8504.5
Used 8.1 8.1 28.8
Engines and Generators: ---Nothing mentioned.
110 V and 12 V System: ---Nothing mentioned.
Problems Inside Boat: --- *Fridge light bulb= burned top of fridge-all melted-light bulb never replaced
*2 pillows missing- we replaced them
*We replaced measuring cups/spoons- than found them- so never mind
* No mini crockpot
Problems Outside the Boat: ---2 propane tanks upper deck MIA – AP replaced w/temp ones for now
Wish List: ---Are ziplocks & foil supposed to be stocked? Sometimes they are always here but this year just had some foil- but I used a lot.
Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip: - Nothing mentioned
Post Trip: - 1st Aid supplies used: a few Band-Aids, gauze wrap, abdominal pads, q-tips, adhesive tape.
Bleach almost gone under sink.
*Galley Equip: no light bulb, needs new bulb
*Propane Tanks(2): need replaced
*Dish Soap: Need dish soap
*NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…
*Lg fenders- 8 NOT 12
*Anchor Line Mouse guards- 6 NOT 4
Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
Boarding: Returning:
#1 Port In Hold/As New Same
Port Skeg As New Same
#1 Starboard On Drive/As New Same
Starboard Skeg As New Same
#2 Port In Hold/As New Same
#2 Starboard In Hold/As New Same
#3 Port On Drive/As New Same
#3 Starboard In Hold/As New Same