Finish Hrs 1578.9 1636.8 8639.2
Start Hrs 1573.7 1631.7 8553.3
Used 5.2 5.1 85.9
Engines and Generators: ---2 new impellors were picked up at AP & are in misc. parts bin under helm.
The inlet valve to cooling system had been shut off (generator). So generator would not run, it would shut itself off. Turned out the valve & replaced water pump impellor because it was damaged while the valve was off. We adjusted the frequency because t was to low & air conditioner would not run.
110 V and 12 V System: ---Nothing mentioned.
Problems Inside Boat: --- Replaced latch on front sliding screen door. Glued(repaired) door on cabinet ® under TV. Clock loses time(we put in new battery) DVD player was turned off & wouldn’t come back on Blue Ray.
Problems Outside the Boat: ---Still have loaner tanks(Our tanks were put on before we launched) back deck carpet has dark spots. Lid missing on garbage can on back of boat.
Minor damage on left front rope
Wish List: ---No Bugs
Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip: - Carpet on back deck has dark spots (already)
*Main Salon- 2 buttons off sofa pillows
*Misc.- Windows on portside not cleaned outside
*Galley Equip- shelf tab missing lower right cabinet
Post Trip: - Nothing mentioned
*NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…
No forms attached… problem locating forms during trip
Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
Boarding: Returning:
#1 Port In Hold/As New As New
Port Skeg As New As New
#1 Starboard On Drive(light damage) On Drive/Damage
Starboard Skeg As New As New
#2 Port In Hold/As New As New
#2 Starboard In Hold/As New As New
#3 Port On Drive/As New On Drive/As New
#3 Starboard In Hold/As New In Hold/As New