Finish Hrs   1504.8        1551.0             8054.4           
Start Hrs     1494.3        1540.8             8003.1            
Used               10.5             10.2                 51.3
.    *Generator must have run 8 hrs between wk 25 & wk 26

Engines and Generators: ---Hydro-lock Port engine-Not Working! AP said part is on order. AP mechanic(Danny) showed us how to get it started by pulling out the spark plugs & flushing out the water. It worked!

110 V and 12 V System: ---Everything seemed fine

Problems Inside Boat: --- Both bathroom windows broken. Master bath window is worse-can’t open at all.
*Port engine key module broken @ dock. AP(Danny) replaced it with a brand  new one.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---2 lights on back swim step are out. Water slide pump didn’t work- FIXED it. TONS of spiders outside & inside of the boat, we donated a can of Raid.

Wish List: ---Fans that work off of the inverter(like the bedroom fans) in the kitchen(x1), dining(x1) & living area(x2)
** Love the new carpet, XM radio… and are proud to be owners on Water Therapy!**

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:

Pre- Trip: - Front drapes won’t fully shut & missing wand(s) controllers also off-track. Door drapes in lower room hanging-need fixing. 2 anchor lines frayed. 1 has 2 spots that are badly frayed. Crack in bottom drawer in fridge.
Post Trip: - Lost 1 blue tall plastic drinking glass. Front bedroom sliding door strap, rivet is broke.

    *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

*Lg. Fenders-  9 NOT 12
*Plastic patio chairs- 9 NOT 10
*150’ Anchor Line- 2 lines are frayed. 1 has 2 pretty bad spots
*We lost 1 plastic blue drinking glass
*NO Tall kitchen trash bags on board* Mentioned to AP housekeeping we didn’t have any… she only gave me 4 bags for our entire trip.

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                        Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port            On Drive/Needs paint  On Drive/Needs paint
Port Skeg          As New                        As New
#1 Starboard   On Drive/As New         On Drive/As New 
Starboard Skeg  As New/Needs paint   As New/Needs paint                       
#2 Port(P1)       In hold/As New            In hold/As New           
#2 Starboard(53)  In Hold/As New      In Hold/As New      
#3  Port(P2)         In Hold/As  New       In Hold/As New 
#3 Starboard(52)    In Hold/As New    In Hold/As New