Johnson week #29
Finish Hrs   1513.0        1571.0             8162.0           
Start Hrs     1509.9        1561.8             8121.6            
Used                3.1               9.2                  40.4

Apparently there were 40.7 generator hours used between the end of week #28 and the beginning of week #30,  when the boat was not used.

Engines and Generators: ---Port-sea water pump failed; serpentine belt came off. Reattached serpentine  belt- did not use engine. Notified Antelope upon return to marina; they indicated it would be fixed.  The port seawater pump failed week #28, was communicated to AP and I was told would be fixed by the beginning of week  #29---apparently it was still not done by week #30---Mike Conklin
110 V and 12 V System: ---None

Problems Inside Boat: --- Rear toilet hold smells- possible blocked vent?? Fixed- toilet was not pumped- Antelope took boat to pumping station prior to leaving marina.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Anchor lines frayed- Do Not Replace lines! Typical dents on freezer outside.

Wish List: ---Can crusher.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:

Pre- Trip: - Anchor lines frayed. Rear toilet smells. Do Not Replace Anchor Lines! Fixed smell- not pumped out- Antelope fixed problem prior to leaving.
Post Trip: - Supply of paper towels low.

    *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

*Lg. Fenders-  5 NOT 12

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                    Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port           
Port Skeg         
#1 Starboard  
Starboard Skeg 
#2 Port            
#2 Starboard   
#3  Port
#3 Starboard   

**Nothing noted on Prop sheet**.. only initials