Finish Hrs   1547.2        1605.1             8442.0           
Start Hrs     1532.3        1590.3             8408.0            
Used              14.9             14.8                 34.0

Engines and Generators: ---Starboard  motor idles high on start up

110 V and 12 V System: ---None

Problems Inside Boat: --- Rat ate hole in back screen door(Rat is dead!)
Some shelves in KC missing support pins

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Blue hose split/cracked, rear starboard light anchor broken

Wish List: ---None

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:

Pre- Trip: - Nothing mentioned
Post Trip: - Nothing mentioned

    *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

*Lg. Fenders-  Check ON.. only 4 on boat
*Grass Rug- old-backing crumbles
*Lg ice chest- missing latch
*Mouse Guards- 1 is broken but still works
*Freezer Chest- Dings & scratches
*Fridge- Broken hinge
*Holding Tank Pump Out Adapter- none in closet
*Knife Sets- Henckle/?? – one block
*Blender- center of lid missing
*Small Crock Pot- missing?

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                          Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port           
Port Skeg        
#1 Starboard  
#2 Port            
#2 Starboard   
#3  Port          
#3 Starboard