Finish Hrs   1494.3        1540.6             7994.9           
Start Hrs     1491.5        1535.9             7924.3            
Used                 2.8               4.7                 70.6
Engines and Generators: ---Port engine- Did not start immediately, it took extra crank time. AP reported that after boat was put in water at beginning of season the port engine was hydro-locked(water in cylinders).

110 V and 12 V System: ---Shore power circuit breaker tripped 2 X Wednesday evening

Problems Inside Boat: --- Top of window frame is missing in back bathroom & right hatch in front bathroom is broken

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Nothing noted

Wish List: ---Small fans (like in bedrooms) in the salon

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:

Pre- Trip: - Lights in back bathroom were intermittent

Post Trip: - Nate came out from AP & replaced governor & inverter & fixed floating ground

    *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

*150’ Anchor Line- 1 is frayed

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                        Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port             Missing                      In hold/As New
Port Skeg          Needs paint                  Needs paint
#1 Starboard      On Drive/?               On Drive/Needs paint 
Starboard Skeg  Needs paint               Needs paint                       
#2 Port             In hold/?                  In hold/As new           
#2 Starboard    In Hold/?                   ??
#3  Port            On Drive/?                On drive/needs paint 
#3 Starboard    In Hold/ ?                 In Hold/As New