Finish Hrs   1343.4        1386.6             7021.6           
Start Hrs     1334.3        1373.8             6999.9             
Used                9.1             12.8                 21.7

Engines and Generators: ---Toy tank full of bad gas, water sand, etc. Now my boat is too! Nice! Port outdrive has bad shimmy, getting worse at idle. Port outdrive clanking. Feels like U-joint went out. Shut down.

110 V and 12 V System: ---Toy tank full of bad gas, water sand, etc. Now my boat is too! Nice! Port outdrive has bad shimmy, getting worse at idle. Port outdrive clanking. Feels like U-joint went out. Shut down.

Problems Inside Boat: ---Solar, need to vent oven… bad fumes every time we cook.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Nothing noted

Wish List: ---Pizza stones or more cookie sheets(only see 1), gas cans, pan(casserole)

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: Door tray in fridge cracked, bottom pull out tray in fridge cracked, upper left propane tank connection leaks, BBQ tank missing, props missing, solar manual missing, anchor line has small abrasion, solar does not kick on without starting generator.

             *NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

*Forward Deck- Missing
*Propane tank 1 missing
*150’ Anchor line- abrasion on 1 smaller rope
*Large propane tanks- Left tank connection leaks
*Toilet paper rolls- R U SERIOUS?

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:
                         Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port          In Hold/Nothing noted    In Hold/Nothing noted     
Port Skeg           As New                         Nothing noted
#1 Starboard    In Hold/Nothing noted   In Hold/As New      
Starboard Skeg     As New                         As  New
#2 Port          On Drive/Crack on bell         On Drive/As New                    
#2 Starboard     On Drive/Nothing noted    On Drive/As New
#3  Port            MISSING(being repaired)  MISSING
#3 Starboard    MISSING                          MISSING