Finish Hrs   1423.5        1467.3             7672.2           
Start Hrs     1413.6        1457.4             7588.9            
Used                 9.9              9.9                  83.3

Engines and Generators: ---Nothing noted

110 V and 12 V System: ---Nothing noted

Problems Inside Boat: ---Nothing noted

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Nothing noted.

Wish List: ---Fan on front deck & Top deck; cell phone booster

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip: Front screen door damage, microwave tray broken, back screen door damage
**CO2 sensors go off when oven is used!**
Post Trip: Nothing noted

*NEW* Check ON/OFF List
We are only noting what is different/doesn’t add up…

*Anchor line Mouse Guards: 3 NOT 4
*BBQ propane tank: 1 NOT 2
*Plastic patio chairs: 12 NOT 10
*Bucket- 0 NOT 1
*Forks- 19 NOT 31
*Spoons Lg.- 10 NOT 11
*Spoons Reg.- 36 NOT 22

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory:
                 Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port             In hold/nothing noted   In hold/nothing noted
Port Skeg           Nothing noted               Nothing noted                   
#1 Starboard    In hold/nothing noted   In hold/nothing noted                               
Starboard Skeg   Nothing noted             Nothing noted                        
#2 Port              DAMAGED                    DAMAGED              
#2 Starboard    DAMAGED                     DAMAGED          
#3  Port      On Drive/Needs Paint(MINOR DING)    On Drive/needs paint     
#3 Starboard    On Drive/Needs Paint   On Drive/needs paint