Finish Hrs   1256.7        1296.5             6397.5        PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs     1246.8        1286.6             6334.7              ?            ?    ?
Used                9.9               9.9                  62.8

Engines and Generators: ---Engine bilge blower is abnormally noisy.

110 V and 12 V System: ---Solar seemed to not charge as much as it has in the past years.

Problems Inside Boat:  ---Weak ‘lake water’ pressure in kitchen

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Upper deck steering not very responsive, rope light dimmer switch did not work, bar outlets did not work, upper & lower steering indicators did not work, carpeting on the stairs seems loose. While the generator is on the upper deck speakers make a loud humming/buzzing sound.

Wish List: ---The anchor line winch system(saw it on multiple houseboats & could have really used it during some wind storms we had), new graphics for WT & freezer on top deck.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip:
Crack in refrigerator shelf, missing BBQ brush, 1 cracked (broken) plastic chair.. we throughout in trash.
*Large fenders.. 6 NOT 8*
Post Trip:
Small area on 1 anchor line got frayed, circular stain(from citronella candle in bucket) on upper front deck in front of pad.. should be an easy fix w/deck paint.

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:
                               Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port                In hold                             same
Port Skeg             As new                             As new
#1 Starboard        In hold/as new               same
Starboard Skeg     As new                         As  New
#2 Port                 On drive                      On drive/needs paint                       
#2 Starboard        On drive                     On drive/needs paint
#3  Port                 In hold                           In Hold
#3 Starboard        In hold                           In Hold