There is a discrepancy from the last report 2010 to the first report 2011 of 20+ hours
per drive engine & 100+ hours on the generator.

                     PORTSTBDGEN              LAST OIL CHANGE
Finish Hrs   1227.7        1267.8             6228.9        PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs     1217.7        1257.9             6209.5              ?            ?    ?
Used                10.0             9.9                 19.4

Engines and Generators: ---Generator Water Pump, Invertor turning on & off

110 V and 12 V System: ---Nothing listed.

Problems Inside Boat:  ---Nothing listed.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Nothing listed.

Wish List: ---Nothing listed.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Nothing noted

Post- Trip:
Nothing noted…

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:
                         Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port              In hold/As New                Nothing  noted
Port Skeg               As New                         Nothing noted
#1 Starboard       In hold/As New              Nothing noted
Starboard Skeg    As New                           Nothing noted
#2 Port                  On Drive                        Nothing noted
#2 Starboard         On Drive                        Nothing noted
#3  Port                  In hold/As New             Nothing noted
#3 Starboard          In Hold/As New            Nothing noted