Finish Hrs   1280.9        1320.6             6513.8        PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs     1273.1        1313.8             6479.9              ?            ?    ?
Used                7.8               7.8                  33.8

Engines and Generators: ---Nothing noted

110 V and 12 V System: ---House batteries not holding a charge. Used generator 3 hrs. AM and 3-4 hrs. PM everyday to keep batteries charged

Problems Inside Boat: Anchor rope heavily frayed. Auxiliary toy tank fuel filter needs to be replaced- very clogged up!

Problems Outside the Boat: Nothing listed

Wish List: ---Nothing listed

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip:
Thanks Merlin for fixing problems or addressing problems, it really helped. Boat cleaned when boarded.

Post Trip:Broke coffee maker- replaced with new coffee maker

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:
      Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port          On Drive/Needs Paint       On Drive/Needs Paint      
Port Skeg             As New                           As New
#1 Starboard   On Drive/Needs Paint    On Drive/Needs Paint      
Starboard Skeg     As New                           As New
#2 Port                 In hold/as new                 In hold/as new                      
#2 Starboard        In hold/as new                In hold/as new
#3  Port                 In hold/as new               In hold/as new
#3 Starboard        In hold/as new               In Hold/as new