Finish Hrs   1246.8        1286.6             6334.7        PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs     1240.6        1280.5             6271.8              ?            ?    ?
Used                6.2               6.1                  62.9

Engines and Generators: ---Engine bilge blower is abnormally noisy. Port side tachometer was erratic on trip bout but stable on trip in. The port tack would vary as much as 1500rpm occasionally & then stabilize..

110 V and 12 V System: ---Nothing noted.

Problems Inside Boat:  ---The fresh water in the back bathroom is still dripping(we reported it last June) ½ gal an hour. AP replaced faucet. Hose on vacuum split attempted to tape, but still would not work properly. Replaced with new vacuum. Found no fly swatters on board- bought 2 new ones and left on boat.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Only 1 propane tank upstairs(upper deck).. one missing. Replaced by AP

Wish List: ---Nothing noted.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received:
Pre- Trip: Rudder indicator inoperative, vacuum (upright) has split suction hose, I tried to tape split on hose but did not work. We replaced upright vacuum with new machine. Missing propane tank replaced by AP.
Post Trip: Nothing noted

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:
                           Boarding:                         Returning:
#1 Port                In hold                             same
Port Skeg                                                    As new
#1 Starboard        In hold                            same
Starboard Skeg                                           As  New
#2 Port                 On drive                      On drive/needs paint                       
#2 Starboard        On drive                     On drive/needs paint
#3  Port                 In hold                           In Hold
#3 Starboard        In hold                           In Hold