Finish Hrs    976.9        1019.3             4780.6         PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs       969.3        1011.8             4751.8              ?            ?    ?
Used                 7.6               7.5                 28.8

Engines and Generators: ---

110 V and 12 V System: ---

Problems Inside Boat: ---We cleaned 2 screens on the new kitchen faucet-(low water pressure) if you get this complaint, let us know & we can get the faucet breakdown & instructions to whomever for cleaning the screens. The door clasps on some of the closets don’t seem to be grasping anymore- something we should look into for next spring.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---

Wish List: ---

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: ?     

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet: ?