Finish Hrs   1071.7         1112.0             5386.0         PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs     1064.7         1104.9             5226.0              ?            ?    ?
Used                 7.0               7.1                  60.0

Engines and Generators: ---None

110 V and 12 V System: ---None---Note: For solar to work, inverter batteries must be charged to at least 75%.  Must run generator for at least 45 minutes in the morning to wake up the solar controller.

Problems Inside Boat: ---Living room curtains need some new hooks

Problems Outside the Boat: ---None

Wish List: ---Flat panel TV---I have called the Sony factory and their LCD flat panel will work with our inverter.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: Not received.

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:


#1 Port: (In Hold) As new

Port Skeg: Not noted

#1 Starboard: (In Hold) As new

Starboard Skeg: Not noted

#2 Port: (In Hold) As new    

#2 Starboard: (In Hold) Not noted

#3 Port(Not noted): Damaged (Burr in Blade)

#3 Starboard(Not noted): (Burr in Blade)


#1 Port:Not Noted

Port Skeg: Not Noted

#1 Starboard: Not Noted

Starboard Skeg: Not Noted

#2 Port: Not Noted

#2 Starboard: Not Noted

#3 Port: (On Drive): Not Noted

#3 Starboard: (On Drive):Not Noted