Finish Hrs    979.3        1011.8             4751.8         PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs       964.3        1006.5             4723.7              ?            ?    ?
Used                 5.0               5.3                 28.1

Engines and Generators: ---

110 V and 12 V System: ---(New) 12volt compact fluorescent lamps burning out in hall & state room in a couple days. Put new ones in

Problems Inside Boat: ---Disc player in bedroom inoperable, will not open. Toaster is missing.  Fridge door tray cracked & bottom drawer. DUD in upper cabin won’t open.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Fuel dipstick missing from closet.

Wish List: ---(Card board) Games to keep on boat. Games that were on board last year are missing.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: ?     

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet: All looks good but #3 Starboard-on drive was marked as NEEDS/ light burrs.