Finish Hrs 1098.5 1138.5 5426.8 PORT STBD GEN
Start Hrs 1071.7 1112.0 5386.2 ? ? ?
Used 26.8 27.0 40.6
Engines and Generators: ---1. Port Eng. Stalling, changed fuel filter & no problems after that.
2. Star. Eng. W ould not start(turn over), checked Battery cables & cleaned, started no problem.
3. Gimball(sp?) bearing on Port Eng. Going Out!
110 V and 12 V System: ---12v fan in aft lower bedroom went out, needs to be replaced
Problems Inside Boat: ---1. Shelves(door racks) in fridge broken, will try to get replacements & take up in spring.
2.Leak at fitting in fresh H2o tank below deck need to drain tank down & reseal fitting
Problems Outside the Boat: ---1.Snaps pulling out of cushions, took home for repair.
2. Latch on ice chest broken
Wish List: ---More Time!
Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: Pre-Trip:
1. Tips on both props bent
2. One of the ropes is a new 5/8” NOT ¾”
3.Floor tile broken at left front of fridge
4.Latch on ice chest broken
**Items noted on Check ON/OFF sheet**
Mop & Bucket- NO bucket
Freezer- Lid Bent
Refrigerator- Door rack broken
All windows & screens- Port Dirty
Toilet Paper- Need more
Bench Seats- snaps pulled out
Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:
#1 Port: (In Hold) As new
Port Skeg: Nothing noted
#1 Starboard: (In Hold) As new
Starboard Skeg: Nothing noted
#2 Port: (In Hold) As new
#2 Starboard: (In Hold) As new
#3 Port(On drive): DAMAGED
#3 Starboard(On drive): DAMAGED
#1 Port: (In hold) As new
Port Skeg: Nothing noted
#1 Starboard: (In hold) As new
Starboard Skeg: Nothing noted
#2 Port: (In hold) As new
#2 Starboard: (In hold) As new
#3 Port: (On Drive): DAMAGED
#3 Starboard: (On Drive): DAMAGED