Finish Hrs   1001.6        1042.5             4885.7         PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs      994.4        1035.2             4817.4              ?            ?    ?
Used                 7.2               7.3                  68.3

Engines and Generators: ---Nothing noted….

110 V and 12 V System: ---Replaced 4-12volt lights in salon-all 4 were out when we boarded.

Problems Inside Boat: ---Repaired reading light in downstairs aft bedroom. Upstairs bedroom-one bulb missing on reading light
DVD player in bedroom inoperative
12 volt lights in hallway inoperative-only 2 spare bulbs in hall closet, did not replace because 2 remaining bulbs may be needed in more critical areas.

Problems Outside the Boat: ---Nothing noted….

Wish List: ---Thank you for the gates!

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: Pre-Trip: Propane lock + nut missing, 1-large fender missing, coffee pot broken(cracked), starboard prop has slight ding in one blade
Nothing notes.

Water Therapy Propeller Inventory Sheet:

#3 Port(on drive)…needs paint

#3 Starboard(on drive)..needs paint/damaged…Small ding on one blade


#3 Port(on drive)..

#3 Starboard(on drive)..