Finish Hrs     548.9        563.9             2457.3          PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs       535.8        535.7             2441.6             463         463     2441
Used               13.1          28.2                  15.7

Engines and Generators: Generator stopped working after 1/2 hr use on second night (electronic ignition failed). Lack of generator eventially caused invertor system to die.  Generator wasn't fixed on lake.

110 V and 12 V System:

Problems Inside Boat: Napkin silverware basket missing. Couldn't find one at Walmart--missed it.  Added swimmers ear to first aid kit--marinas don't have it.  Bought coffee filters--none on board.

Problems Outside the Boat:

Wish List:

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: YES