Finish Hrs     644.7        680.0             2810.0          PORT    STBD    GEN     
Start Hrs       611.6        627.1             2793.2             581         597     2793
Used               33.1          52.9                 16.8

Engines and Generators: Generator will not start; pulled spark plugs & cleaned. Pulled distributor cap & found that it is arcing inside cap, around rotor, back to shaft, and also to sensor on base plate.  Arcing has cut through plastic parts, sensor, cover & rotor.  Starboard engine stalls & will not idle; set idle up--fixed problem

110 V and 12 V System: House batteries not holding a charge; found that someone had removed jumper between house batteries on port side & hooked one port battery(6v) up to 12v on starboard side.  Could not find jumper wire that had been removed; got one from Dangling Rope & hooked back up properly. I think the battery that had been hooked up to 12v is bad & ispulling down others.  Took both port batteries off line & starboard batteries holding charge.
12v fuel transfer pump switch still not repaired from week 30.

Problems Inside Boat: Plastic for indirect lighting in kitchen is broken.  Fresh water pump cycles with or without use.  Leak on fresh water line at filter.

Problems Outside the Boat:

Wish List: Engine compartment needs cleaning.  Need to install water separaters on each engine.

Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet Received: YES