Finish Hrs 411.0 412.0 1803.8 PORT STBD GEN
Start Hrs 399.8 400.8 1760.2 353 354 1760
Used 11.2 11.2 43.6
Engines and Generators:
110 V and 12 V System:
Problems Inside Boat:
Problems Outside the Boat:
Wish List:.Dear Fellow Water Therapy Owners,
We just finished our week 39 trip to Powell and had a great time on the lake. (This was in spite of a bridge steering unit that was 8 oz low on steering fluid and rendered the bridge useless on day one.) The charging system worked fine and the boat engines ran very dependably. It was nice to see many of the warranty items fixed too.
I am writing to check-in with each of you and see if I am out of my mind. Ok, not so much out of my mind, but rather, pretty disappointed in the condition of our 1+ year old house boat. Based on the condition it was in for our Sept 28-Oct 5 2005 trip, in two more years, I’m thinking that the boat will be a quite disappointing to take out on the lake.
Attached is a list, with photos of the abuse and neglect that we found upon checking-on for our week 39 trip. Please reply if I am over reacting. I have never owned a houseboat as a shareholder and I may just need to lower my expectations. This is possible and I would like to hear from you if you think that this might be the case. It would help put my concerns at ease a little.
By the way, Lake Powell Marine claims that they have never seen, nor signed, our 2005 Owners “Water Therapy Check On/Off Sheet”. This may explain why the boat was in the condition that we found it?
Unlike last year when LPM’s service was friendly and only a little crazy, this year LPM will lie to you if it saves them money and they wisk through the check-on and check-off without really checking the boat over. They get real nasty when you question them too. The night before our launch, we were told that we would have to wait until at least 10 AM (maybe later) due to mechanical difficulties. I asked them nicely if they had a contractual obligation to fulfill in launching us at the designated time. They explained that there were no trailers that could launch us in all of Page and that they were doing all that they could. I offered to call other launch companies in Page to see what was available and, within 5-minutes, LPM had found another company’s trailer that they could use to launch us. Still they were an hour late in launching us the next day. When we returned to the yard at the end of our trip, the trailer was still inoperable with both axles off and dismantled. Good thing we didn’t wait I guess.
Oh, if you show them equipment failures due to poor between-use inspection and service, you’ll get a great lecture on how we (Water Therapy Owners) did our own service against their advice and that they are not liable for any equipment failures.
I wish I could remember the kid’s name that checked us off of the boat yesterday. He’s a real peach. And don’t both offering your concerns in a calm and professional manner with LPM’s manager (bald older gent). It was a waste of my patience and breath. He just sits there with his feet up on the desk and acknowledges nothing. It was a real sad LPM experience this year. Maybe things will be better next year.